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    Banese relies on Privacy Tools Solutions for Personal Data Protection and stands out among public banks

    The institution manages more than 800 thousand data subjects securely and in compliance with the LGPD.

    With a net profit of R$17.4 million in the first quarter of 2024, 27% higher than the amount recorded in the same period last year, and over R$9.7 billion in total assets, Banco do Estado de Sergipe (Banese) has stood out beyond its financial results. It has more than 800 thousand account holders' data and, in order to manage them, the bank relies on Privacy Tools solutions to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD).

    According to Project Manager Marcelo Menezes, the search for a solution that complies with the legislation was a natural path for the institution. “The care with data protection in the financial sector must be even greater. With this investment, we also demonstrate our responsibility and respect for the data privacy of our customers", he adds.

    The project developed at Banese includes four Privacy Tools solutions: Cookie Management, Policy Management, Data Mapping, and Data Discovery. Menezes emphasizes that the platforms, each with its own unique features, fully meet all types of demands that arise on a daily basis. “At first, we were only looking for a solution to comply with the LGPD, but we discovered other potential in the modules that really make our work easier, generating a series of competitive advantages and new routines within Banese. There is no doubt that this was a leap in quality,” she celebrates.

    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade

    According to Aline Deparis, CEO of Privacy Tools, it is always a challenge to serve financial institutions. “We have a lot of responsibility to all of our clients, and we understand that each project is unique, and it was no different at Banese. With agility, we were able to deliver a robust project that fully meets the bank's needs", he emphasizes.

    Founded in 1961, Banese acts as a financial promoter of the socioeconomic development of Sergipe, supporting various segments and encouraging the generation of new jobs, partnerships and the personal and professional development of its employees. The institution is present in all 75 municipalities in Sergipe, with 63 branches and 465 self-service terminals.

    About Privacy Tools

    Privacy Tools is a leading privacy platform in the Brazilian market and a pioneer in offering solutions for the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil.

    Founded in 2019 by Aline Deparis, the company's clients include Rede D'or, Usiminas, Banco RCI, Pague Menos, Farmácias São João, Grupo Bom Jesus, Grupo Fleury, Eletrobrás, Grupo RBS, among others.

    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade
    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade

    Com o objetivo de auxiliar as empresas no processo de adequação à LGPD, a Privacy Tools traz soluções de gerenciamento da privacidade com módulos pensados para o uso em diferentes segmentos do mercado e para cumprir com as obrigações das diferentes legislações, como LGPD e GDPR.

    Além de todos os aspectos de privacidade a empresa oferece módulos para ESG (Environmental Social & Governance), GRC (Governance Risk & Compliance) e Cibersegurança, a Privacy Tools agora conta com uma IA generativa própria, a PrIA, com foco em gestão de privacidade e proteção de dados, GRC e ESG.

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