Manage your privacy program with one of
the most complete and reliable tools on the market

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    Eletrobras Group relies on Privacy Tools Solutions to Protect Personal Data and Streamline Responses to Users

    Latin America's Largest Electric Power Company Reinforces Commitment to LGPD.

    A leader in electricity generation and transmission in Brazil, Eletrobras experienced significant growth in its customer base in 2023. In response to this growth, the company sought solutions to protect the personal data of customers, employees and suppliers, opting for Privacy Tools, a national reference in solutions for compliance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

    With the project, Privacy Tools provided Eletrobras and its subsidiaries – Eletrosul, Chesf and Eletronorte – with the centralization and automation of privacy program management processes, ensuring greater efficiency and auditability. The functionality ensures that a person can request access to the information that a controlling organization has about them, as well as understand how this data is processed.

    “The platform allowed for a more detailed mapping of personal data processing activities and robust management of incidents and data flows, reducing risks of non-compliance and improving the ability to respond to requests from data subjects,” celebrates Daniel Beltran, DPO at Eletrobras.

    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade

    Aline Deparis, CEO of Privacy Tools, explains that the implementation project at Eletrobras involved several stages, from training and qualification of employees to customization and parameterization of the system. For her, this work journey was essential for the success of the project.

    “The first step in our journey was to ensure that the data protection team was fully qualified to operate the new tool, understanding the modules and their parameterization possibilities. Our implementation team organized training sessions, providing technical and practical knowledge on how to use the system. This training was essential to ensure that the team could maximize the potential of the solution”, concludes Deparis.

    About Privacy Tools

    Privacy Tools is a leading privacy platform in the Brazilian market and a pioneer in offering solutions for the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil.

    Founded in 2019 by Aline Deparis and Marison Souza, the company's clients include Rede D'or, Usiminas, Celesc, Pague Menos, Farmácias São João, Grupo Bom Jesus, Banese, Gupy, Grupo RBS, among others.

    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade
    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade

    With the aim of assisting companies in the process of adapting to the LGPD, Privacy Tools offers privacy management solutions with modules designed for use in different market segments and to comply with the obligations of different legislations, such as LGPD and GDPR.

    In addition to all aspects of privacy, the company offers modules for ESG (Environmental Social & Governance), GRC (Governance Risk & Compliance) and has Pria, the first AI for privacy in Brazil.

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