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    RBS Group implements LGPD project with PrivacyTools.

    Grupo RBS initiative seeks to adapt the business to the General Data Protection Law, already in force in Brazil, to protect and respect privacy.

    With the entry into force of the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) in September 2020, all companies began to prioritize adaptation projects to protect the privacy and data protection of customers, users and consumers.

    Whoever didn't leave for the last hour got ahead. Many organizations have been working in this direction for a long time and today they have the most advanced privacy protection mechanisms for readers, subscribers and other individuals such as employees and partners. One of them is Grupo RBS.

    The concern with users' privacy has always been part of the company's governance, systems planning and processes activities. However, it was from 2016, with the popularization of the GDPR (European Data Protection Regulation), that projects with a central focus on data protection began to stand out.

    The adjustment journey is a constant work, since rooting concerns about privacy and data protection is a cultural work. Several processes are still being adapted while others are more advanced.

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    The data belongs to the readers

    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade

    For Péricles Cenço, IT director at Grupo RBS, “An LGPD project is a cultural change that involves rethinking processes and systems. For RBS, the majority of the transmitted data belongs to the readers and it is our duty as temporary custodians of the data to protect it with the utmost rigor and control”.

    The PrivacyTools platform supports the success of the Group's LGPD adaptation project, acting on several fronts such as: cookie management, control of privacy policies, management of consent and privacy preferences, data discovery, mapping and data flow and integrations to automate the service flows to the rights of the holders.

    According to Wilen Manteli, DPO of Grupo RBS, “The LGPD has imposed changes in the systems and processes that handle personal data, establishing the privacy of customers and other stakeholders as a priority to be addressed. It is therefore necessary to ensure compliance with the rights of the holders of personal data, as well as all other requirements of the new legislation. To comply with these requirements, we sought a platform that would allow us to do this in an integrated manner with our systems and processes, thus adopting best privacy by design practices.”.

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    A Privacy Program

    A family-controlled company, Grupo RBS recognizes its relevance from an early age and develops its corporate governance, following the principles of transparency and guided by best practices.

    The creation of a privacy program entailed the definition of a committee and had the legal and adequacy consultancy of Baptista Luz Advogados. The office was hired in 2019 to carry out a complete diagnosis of Grupo RBS to identify any existing gaps in order to adapt them to the General Data Protection Law. Afterwards, he assisted in the development of the group's privacy governance structure, adjustments to internal processes, updating of legal instruments, training of the team, due diligence of suppliers and support in the adoption of technologies necessary for the correct management of privacy program policies.

    RBS's governance is structured based on the harmonious interaction between the three circles: property, family and company. In recognition, the media group received the awards from the 2006 Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance – Unlisted Company and The Family Business Management Excellence Award (August 2007) from the Owner Management Business Institute.

    About PrivacyTools

    PrivacyTools is a PrivacyTech, that is, a startup in the field of privacy, accelerated by and is one of the pioneers in Brazil in offering solutions for LGPD.

    The company aims to transform the way companies protect and manage the privacy of personal data and has 150+ companies such as Rede D'or, Banco RCI, Pague Menos, São João Pharmacies, Bom Jesus Group, University of Fortaleza, Synnex Corporation, among others.

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    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade

    For press vehicles, PrivacyTools solutions help maintain the privacy of those who browse online articles, by managing cookies that are authorized by readers, writing Privacy Policies and mapping the data about users that are collected and used to recognize and minimize the risk of leakage or misuse of information.

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