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    Sancor Seguros in compliance with LGPD with Privacy Tools

    The national startup's LGPD platform was chosen by the insurer to accelerate its adaptation and compliance program.

    Since the General Data Protection Law came into effect in September 2020, the debate surrounding the topic has been recurrent. Large and small companies have begun a race against time in search of ways to comply with the new law, which can now even generate fines.

    At a time when personal data is considered the “new oil”, ensuring customer security and privacy has proven to be no easy task.

    And seeking to provide this security to its customers, Sancor Seguros began its partnership with Privacy Tools, a compliance platform that is now a reference in the LGPD scenario and was elected one of the 100 most attractive companies for the market in the 100 Open Startups ranking in 2021.

    Sancor as an example in compliance

    Sancor Seguros Brasil is an insurance company that is part of the Sancor Seguros Group. Founded in Argentina in 1945, it has been in Brazil since 2013, where it established its headquarters in the city of Maringá/PR, and currently also has a presence in Uruguay and Paraguay.

    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade

    As a company concerned with providing the best quality service to its customers, Sancor chose to carry out the entire compliance process with Privacy Tools, a process that began in April 2021.

    During this process, the company's compliance team conducted studies of its entire structure, seeking to identify the solution that best suited its needs: Data Finder, Privacy Tools' data discovery and privacy automation solution.

    Today, Sancor is already reaping the benefits of implementing the Privacy Tools system, with a reduction in manual labor due to the automations configured on the platform, in addition to the centralization of the management of several tasks and activities, which brought agility to the project.

    One of the modules used is Data Discovery, which can be used in both the SAAS and On-Premise models. Sancor was able to optimize data searches in multiple environments and services in Brazil and abroad using its own infrastructure and security criteria, ensuring greater confidentiality in data processing. personal.

    Company compliance began in 2019

    Even before the LGPD came into effect, Sancor was already concerned about privacy and data protection.

    “In mid-June/2019, a multidisciplinary “LGPD Center” was created responsible for implementing this important project, composed of the areas of Information Security, Risks and Compliance, and Legal,” said Thiago Bozelli, the company’s DPO.

    This journey has always been focused and aligned with the guidelines established by the Law (transparency, availability, integrity, security, and confidentiality of information).

    All areas of Sancor have been involved since then to develop some work:

    • Inventory of contracts and documents signed by the company;
    • Various communications for: Brokers, Workshops, and Employees;
    • Updating Specific policies on the topic (privacy, data processing, document storage, information security);
    • Analysis of IT solutions to adapt legacy systems and those of our partners; Internal Marketing Campaigns;
    • Preparation of the Impact Report;
    • Hacker Rangers Training.

    Training employees was a fundamental step

    Thiago Bozelli says that Sancor trained internal customers through a gamification platform and recurring campaigns, we involved partners in paying attention to shared responsibilities and we disseminated guidance materials to our customers, such as the LGPD Practical Guide created by the company.

    “Therefore, considering these actions in addition to the constant disclosures in the media and social networks, we are confident of the good level of maturity of our customers regarding the care and privacy rights of their data”, continued the DPO.

    Privacy in improving the customer experience

    When companies seek a LGPD compliance platform like Privacy Tools, the benefits go far beyond being in compliance with the law. By acting on customer privacy and the relationship with personal data, it is possible to perceive an increase in trust and perception of brand value.

    “We believe that in order to maintain a satisfactory experience with our policyholder, we must keep the process as transparent as possible regarding the processing of their personal data, thus increasing trust with our customers and partners,” commented Thiago.

    About Privacy Tools

    Privacy Tools is a leading privacy platform in the Brazilian market and a pioneer in offering solutions for the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil.

    Founded in 2019 by Aline Deparis, the company's clients include Rede D'or, Usiminas, Banco RCI, Pague Menos, Farmácias São João, Grupo Bom Jesus, Grupo Fleury, Eletrobrás, Grupo RBS, among others.

    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade
    PrivacyTools - LGPD - Privacidade

    With the aim of assisting companies in the process of adapting to the LGPD, Privacy Tools offers privacy management solutions with modules designed for use in different market segments and to comply with the obligations of different legislations, such as LGPD and GDPR.

    In addition to all aspects of privacy, the company offers modules for ESG (Environmental Social & Governance), GRC (Governance Risk & Compliance) and Cybersecurity. Privacy Tools now has its own generative AI, PrIA, focused on privacy management and data protection, GRC and ESG.

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